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Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Enrichments
In Schools, Pre-Schools & After Care Programs

When your classroom or school participates in our program, you can expect your students to:

  • Learn breathing exercises to help calm the nervous system.


  • Practice yoga poses to gain strength and body awareness.


  • Learn to give and receive compliments with their peers to increase self-esteem and compassion for others.


  • Practice the core principles of strength, grounding, stillness, community and listening.


  • Practice mindfulness and learn how to pay attention to the present moment.


 Classroom & After Care Yoga

An Enrichment Opportunity for the Whole Child 

Kids Virtual Yoga utilizes the Yoga Calm method.  Yoga Calm was developed to be used in schools, dynamically combining yoga, mindfulness and social-emotional learning into one program benefitting the whole child.  The mindfulness curriculum used by Kids Virtual Yoga is from Mindful Schools, Mindful Educator Curriculum.  


Your classroom, school or pre-school will benefit from specialized classes for your age group, classroom needs, budget, time constraints and goals.    Classes can consist of  basic yoga poses, mindfulness activities, social-emotional learning activities,  mindful stories and breathing exercises. 


Contact us to learn more and discuss opportunities for your school, classroom, or group. 


FREE Kids Yoga Videos

Check out our weekly uploads on YouTube!

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Boy with laptop computer doing sport exe


Web-based and in-person training and workshops for your school, group or workplace.

Every body craves grounding and mindfulness.  Consulting services include, but are not limited to; retreats, camps, teacher training, school programs, family events and mindfulness parties.

Meditation Class
Yoga in the classroom

A typical  Kids Virtual Yoga class includes:


  • Designated community-building time, a chance to share with others, and leadership opportunities.  Community


  • Yoga poses to release energy, learn compassion and develop strength, concentration and self-confidence.  Strength


  • Positive vocabulary, compliments, and kind words.  Peace

  • Simple breathing techniques to slow down the nervous system, develop self-control and connect children with their feelings.  Grounding


  • Counseling games that develop patience, mindfulness, compassion, leadership and other social-emotional skills.  Listening


  • Relaxation techniques and storytelling to calm the body and mind.  Stillness


  • Rule #1 is to Treat yourself with love and respect.  Love​



Frequently Asked Questions

What can we expect in a typical Kids Virtual Yoga Class?  

  • Breathing exercises to calm the central nervous system and build cardiovascular endurance.

  • Yoga poses to release energy, build strength, increase mental endurance and gain confidence.

  • Social-Emotional Learning games.

  • Mindful activities to practice Stillness and Listening.

  • Guided Meditations/Story-time to invite focus and calm.  

  • Positive interaction with a yoga guide as well as classmates in the community.

Does my child need special equipment to participate in any Kids Virtual Yoga offerings?

Yoga Mats and any necessary equipment is provided for in-person classes. 


There is no equipment necessary to participate in our virtual classes classes.  The guide might be using a yoga mat, but a yoga mat is not necessary.  A soft surface is a must.  A towel or a favorite blanket on a carpet works really well as a yoga surface.  Any comfortable, non-slip surface will work for class.

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